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Blue Moon (Book One in The Blue Crystal Trilogy) Read online

Page 29

  ‘Very good, Seth,’ said Miss Widdicombe. ‘The play is actually a sixteenth century morality tale …’

  Her voice droned on, lulling me into a daydream. I began to imagine how life would change when I stepped into the crystal’s blue light … how I’d stay seventeen forever…. see the world’s through Theo’s eyes… be with him for eternity.

  ‘Carry on, Emily.’ Miss Widdicombe’s voice broke into my thoughts.

  ‘What?’ I stuttered.

  ‘Carry on reading. Oh, for goodness sake, concentrate! Seth, show her…’

  Seth pointed out the passage, but before I could speak, he began to read the words in a dramatic voice:

  ‘Till swol’n with cunning of a self-conceit,

  His waxen wings did mount above his reach,

  And melting, heavens conspired his overthrow…’

  ‘Thank you Laurence Olivier,’ said Miss Widdicombe disparagingly. ‘Don't call us, we’ll call you.’

  There were a few sniggers around the classroom and she looked at us with a resigned expression. ‘Can anyone tell me what these words mean?’

  ‘Yeah,’ said Seth, lazily, flicking his long dark fringe away from his face and slouching down in his chair even further. ‘It’s referring to the story of Icarus, the Greek guy who flew too close to the sun. His wings were made of wax and they melted and he fell back down to earth. Kapow!’

  He made a whistling sound with his mouth, like a bomb flying through the air, and slapped his palms together, making a splatting sound.

  ‘Without the sound effects, thank you,’ said Miss Widdicombe. ‘But you’re right. It’s a story about reaching too high and suffering the consequences.’

  Seth raised his eyebrows and glanced at me. He might be playing the clown, but he didn’t miss a trick. He knew I was playing a dangerous game. I saw Tash looking at him and frowning. She could sense a storm was brewing.

  It began at break-time. I sat in the cafeteria opposite Seth and Tash. Thankfully, Theo and Violet weren’t there.

  ‘Okay, Emily,’ said Seth, sitting back on his plastic chair. ‘Shpill the beansh.’

  ‘If that’s a Sean Connery impression, it’s pretty bad.’

  ‘Sean Connery? Columbo, if you don’t mind.’

  ‘Seth!’ said Tash. ‘Can we stick to the point?’

  ‘Okay, Mish Moneypenny.’

  Tash rolled her eyes. ‘Emily, that story you told us about the blue crystal bestowing eternal youth on those who bathe in its rays… It’s true, isn’t it? Kimberley Chartreuse believed it. That’s why she held us at gunpoint. What happened after we’d gone?’

  Tash’s complexion was pale, contrasting with her long, red Pre-Raphaelite hair and emphasizing her big green eyes.

  Seth flicked back his fringe. ‘You have to tell us, Emily. Last we saw of Kimberley, she was holding the crystal and getting younger before our eyes.’

  ‘She didn’t make it,’ I said brusquely. ‘The crystal killed her.’

  ‘Youza!’ said Seth, his eyes wide. ‘Was it gory?’

  I avoided his question. ‘Look, stuff is going on Hartswell Hall. But the more I tell you, the more you’re in danger. It’s better you don’t know.’

  ‘Emily,’ said Tash, softly. ‘We appreciate you protecting us, but we need to know.’

  I studied her face. ‘Okay. You’re right. The story about the crystal is true. But as long as you keep quiet, you’ll be safe.’

  ‘Safe from who? The de Lucis family?’ asked Seth.

  ‘No. Not the family. Worse than that. The Lunari.’

  ‘What, that fictitious shadowy secret sect?’ said Seth with a laugh. ‘Try saying that quickly…’

  ‘Seth!’ said Tash sharply.

  ‘Sorry,’ he said, putting his hands up. ‘It’s hard enough getting your head round a mysterious crystal with magical powers, but a supernatural sect? Come on.’

  ‘Believe me, Seth, they exist,’ I said. ‘And they are a bunch of psychotic killers you don’t want to cross. I met them yesterday. ‘

  ‘OMG, they were at the hall?’ asked Tash.

  ‘That’s why you had to leave. I couldn't let them find you there,’ I paused. ‘The problem is, you were seen. And now they’re watching you.’

  ‘Meaning what?’ asked Seth.

  ‘Meaning you’re okay as long as you don’t say anything. Otherwise….’ I did a slicing movement across my throat with my index finger.

  ‘OMG, this is scary,’ said Tash.

  ‘Great,’ said Seth, sarcastically. ‘We’ve only got some weirdo spooks on our tail, who’d kill us soon as look at us. Cheers, Emily.’

  I sighed. ‘You wanted to know.’

  ‘But, what about you, Emily?’ asked Tash. ‘You know about the crystal. How come you’re still alive?’

  This was the bit I didn’t want to say.

  ‘I’ve done a deal with them.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ asked Seth, suspiciously.

  ‘I’m going to join the de Lucis family. Bathe in the light of the crystal at the next full moon and become one of them.’

  ‘No, Emily,’ gasped Tash. ‘This is wrong. I always knew there was something bad about Theo and Violet.’

  Seth looked at me coldly. ‘She’s right, Emily. You can’t do it.’

  I smiled ruefully. ‘You won’t change my mind.’

  ‘You’re going to sell your soul for eternal youth,’ said Seth in a flat voice. ‘Like Faustus. I knew it.’

  ‘No. It’s not like that,’ I said. ‘I want to do it. I want to be with Theo.’

  Seth snorted in disgust. ‘Golden boy! He’s pressured you into this, hasn’t he?’

  ‘Absolutely not. He doesn’t want me to.’

  ‘He doesn’t?’ asked Tash, surprised. ‘Why not?’

  ‘The initiation ceremony is dangerous. He knows I might not make it.’

  ‘You mean like Kimberley Chartreuse?’ asked Tash, ‘What did happen to her?’

  ‘The crystal was too powerful. When I got back to the Clock Tower room, the ageing process had started to reverse. One minute she was young and beautiful, the next she was an old crone. She withered before my eyes. Turned into a pile of dust.’

  ‘OMG,’ said Tash, ‘I didn’t like her, but she didn’t deserve that.’

  ‘Gross City!’ said Seth. ‘Wish I could have seen it.’

  ‘No you don’t,’ I said. ‘It was horrible. All bone and flesh and melting collagen.’

  ‘But the same could happen to you,’ said Tash.

  ‘Without the collagen,’ pointed out Seth.

  ‘It could,’ I admitted, ‘but I touched the crystal and I’m still here. Chances are I’ll survive.’

  ‘It’s too risky, Emily. You can’t do it,’ said Tash.

  ‘I have no choice. If I don’t, the Lunari will kill me. And this way, I get to be with Theo.’

  ‘Theo!’ echoed Seth. ‘Everything was fine until he came on the scene.’

  ‘I want to be with him,’ I said slowly. ‘Whatever it takes.’

  Seth said nothing, just looked away, his face flushed.

  ‘I don’t want us to fall out,’ I said, ‘but there’s nothing you can do. My mind is made up. I’m going to join the de Lucis family at the next full moon.’

  ‘Shouldn’t you wait for a blue moon?’ asked Tash.

  ‘No, they only happen every three years or so and it would be far too powerful. A full moon’s enough to initiate me.’

  ‘And if we try to stop you….’ began Seth.

  ‘The Lunari will kill you,’ I said.

  ‘Great,’ said Seth. ‘Do nothing and we lose you to the de Lucis family; stop you and we all die. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. We can’t win.’

  ‘But, Seth,’ I said, quietly, ‘you’re missing the point. I don’t want you to stop me. I want to be with Theo.’

  ‘Even if it kills you in the process?’ asked Tash.

  I looked at her steadily. ‘It’s a risk I’m prepar
ed to take.’

  2. Family talk

  Hartswell Hall nestled in the warm spring sunshine, its honey-coloured Cotswold stone shining with a golden glow, and even the carved gargoyles seemed to smile rather than display their customary leers. The grounds overflowed with spring flowers and the deep grassy lawns created a luxurious green carpet beneath the lofty cedars. An atmosphere of tranquility and peace pervaded the air, giving the impression of contentment and sleepy harmony.

  Inside, the scene was somewhat different. The de Lucis family convened in the library, Violet and Theo sitting on the large leather Chesterfield sofa, Joseph standing behind. Opposite sat Viyesha and Leon, while Pantera stood by the door, regal and haughty as ever. Edgy and taut, Aquila hovered by the window, staring out on the gardens, an angry scowl etched into his swarthy features.

  Viyesha looked around the room, her expression serene, belying the emotions beneath. As ever, she was immaculate in a pale blue shift dress, her shimmering blonde hair pinned back, her pale skin as smooth and flawless as polished alabaster. She addressed them softly, her mellifluous voice calming and caressing.

  ‘Thank you for coming, everyone. It’s been an eventful weekend and we must plan accordingly. For the moment, we have appeased the Lunari and they have left, satisfied we can deal with the situation.’ She paused, gathering her thoughts.

  ‘The events of yesterday must never happen again. To compromise the crystal’s safety is unforgiveable and could bring about the demise of us all. I take the blame for leaving Emily alone and unprotected. I should have let you stay with her, Theo.’

  ‘You did what you thought was best, mother,’ he answered. ‘Violet and Pantera were here. You thought Emily was safe. You couldn’t have known that woman would be armed with a gun and knowledge of the crystal.’

  ‘I’d like to know how a low-life private detective was able to provide her with information about the crystal,’ said Leon, sitting back.

  ‘You said you visited him,’ said Joseph. ‘What did you find?’

  ‘Nothing but a grubby office littered with waste paper, pipe tobacco and used coffee cups. The sewer rat had long since scarpered, going back underground with the flotsam of his world.’

  ‘Aquila, do you think you can flush him out?’ asked Viyesha.

  Black eyes glittering and features contorted with rage, Aquila spoke in vicious, guttural tones. ‘This would never have happened if I had removed the girl. I lay the blame at Emily’s door.’

  ‘I agree,’ said Pantera, moving in to the room. Her dark skin gleamed and her eyes flashed with anger. ‘Our problems begin and end with the girl. She is not welcome here, even if she survives her initiation. It was she who allowed that woman to touch the crystal and harness its power, and it was she who let in a feeder.’

  She lowered her voice and stared at Viyesha. ‘Such an act would have been punishable by death in our previous world. Now we are in a civilised country, you have grown soft, Viyesha. Your powers of perception are diminished and your ability to act has deserted you. It is a weakness that could prove fatal.’

  ‘A feeder should never have got into the hall, let alone the Clock Tower,’ said Theo, through clenched teeth. ‘I put the blame at your door, Pantera. You’re supposed to guard the crystal. If anyone failed, it’s you.’

  Pantera could barely contain her rage. ‘How dare you accuse me. It is you who have placed us all in danger by bringing an outsider into our midst. If it weren’t for me, the feeder would have latched on to the crystal and achieved human form. When I arrived, it was already leeching the life out of your girlfriend. Thanks to me, she survived. Don’t forget, it was I who destroyed the feeder and saved the crystal.’

  ‘Enough!’ shouted Leon, jumping up. ‘This is getting us nowhere. We must unite, not fight. Enough recriminations. Fault lies on all sides.’

  He addressed Pantera. ‘I will not have you and Aquila fracture our family stability. Emily is no ordinary girl. Why else would Badru give her a stay of execution? He sees her power and wants to see how she will transform. You must accept her.’

  ‘Seems to me,’ said Joseph, trying to lighten the atmosphere, ‘that we need to focus on finding the private detective.’

  ‘You’re right,’ said Theo. ‘He’s getting his information from somewhere, which makes him the real danger. It was thanks to him Kimberley Chartreuse met her demise.’

  ‘Speaking of which,’ said Viyesha, looking troubled, ‘have we contained the story? It was most regrettable.’

  Leon smiled ruefully. ‘I don’t believe her absence will attract any attention. I understand she has a twin sister all too keen to take her place.’

  ‘Oh, the fickleness of the celebrity culture,’ laughed Joseph. ‘Don’t you just love the twenty-first century?’

  Viyesha looked thoughtful. ‘It is the second casualty since our arrival. There can be no more mistakes. For the moment, we will close the hotel to guests.’ She paused, then spoke decisively, ‘Looking back achieves nothing. We must move forward. I propose two things. Firstly, we must protect Emily until she is initiated. And that includes you, Aquila and Pantera.’

  Both scowled, but remained silent.

  ‘Theo and Violet, stay close to her at college,’ said Viyesha. ‘Aquila, watch over her at night. Ensure she remains safe. Joseph, stay vigilant in the grounds. If you see anything suspicious, alert Leon or me. There are enemies everywhere. Secondly, we must find Mr Nelson. If he is prepared to sell his knowledge of the crystal to any who will pay, he has to be stopped. Leon, do you agree?’

  ‘I do. We must find him before he inflicts further damage. He has to break cover at some point. Aquila, search for him in daylight hours. Pantera, scour the city streets at night when your senses are strongest. Follow your instincts and track him down. If you find him, strike quickly and remove him once and for all. If the Lunari believe we are unable to protect the crystal, they will install sentinels of their own. This beautiful house will become a prison and our family life changed forever.’

  ‘That will not happen,’ said Viyesha decisively. ‘We can protect the crystal without the Lunari dictating our every move. She addressed her daughter, ‘Violet, you’re quiet. Do you agree?’

  Violet looked at her mother, a troubled expression on her face.

  ‘I’m worried about my friends,’ she said.

  ‘You mean Seth and Tash?’ asked Theo. He laughed scornfully. ‘You don’t even like them. And there’s certainly no love lost between you and Tash.’

  Violet ignored him. ‘Badru said he’d be watching them. And you know how ruthless he can be. How did he know they were here yesterday?’

  Pantera snorted. ‘Someone has to have ears and eyes and report back to our brothers. I saw them leave. I simply relayed the fact.’

  ‘How stupid was that?’ exclaimed Violet. ‘You know what the Lunari are like. The very fact you mentioned them makes them a threat. Oh, well done, Pantera.’

  ‘Enough,’ said Viyesha, holding up her hands. ‘If they know nothing, they are safe. Emily assures me they have no knowledge of the crystal. We have more important issues to attend to and I must prepare the Clock Tower Room for Emily’s initiation. Now, is there anything else?’

  She looked around, receiving headshakes from her family members and scowling acknowledgements from Aquila and Pantera. Crossing her thumbs in front of her cupped hands, she said quietly, ‘We hold eternity in the palm of our hands.’

  The others followed suit, echoing her words. Then silently, they stood and filed from the library. Theo and Violet were last to leave.

  ‘What was all that about, Vi?’ Theo asked, ‘Why are you looking out for Seth and Tash? I don’t get it.’

  She looked at him coldly. ‘You wouldn’t. You have eyes only for Emily. Why should you worry about her friends being in danger?’

  Theo looked at her strangely, and then smiled.

  ‘Oh, I get it. This isn’t about Tash, is it? It’s Seth. You have feelings for Seth. Well, well, l
ittle sister. You are a dark horse.’

  She looked at him coldly. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re not all as weak as you when it comes to controlling our feelings.’

  She turned, and with a toss of her long, golden hair, walked quickly across the reception area towards the central stairway without looking back.