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Blue Moon (Book One in The Blue Crystal Trilogy) Read online

Page 25

  She smiled softly, “He believes it is you. But he wants to protect you from the crystal, in case its power should prove too great and he loses you again.”

  She returned to the sofa, taking her time before speaking again.

  “Emily, my son has been unhappy for many years and I would do anything within my power to change that. The obvious solution would be for you to join us, but you are young, with your life ahead of you and it is not for me to force you into a course of action you will regret for the rest of your days. You need to think through the options carefully before making your decision. It may still be possible for you to walk away and for me to appease Pantera and Aquila and The Lunari, but you would never see Theo again.”

  My mind filled with dread. The thought of losing Theo was more than I could bear.

  “The alternative is for you to bathe in the crystal’s light and enjoy the gift of eternal youth….and Theo’s love for eternity.”

  “As long as I survive the crystal’s power,” I said.

  “It is true, many do not survive the initiation,” she said, “The crystal is immensely powerful and its rejuvenating powers can work in reverse, speeding up the ageing process. We have no way of knowing how you would react. The risks are great.”

  She looked at me anxiously. “There again, should you rejuvenate successfully, the rewards are infinite. Time cannot touch you, the world is your playground and you would be with Theo forever, enjoying eternal youth together. You would step beyond the confines of the mortal body and experience supernatural power and beauty.”

  I stared at her in dismay. It was like being faced with a proposal of marriage, but too early on in the relationship to know if it was the right thing to do. What she was saying was so far beyond my powers of comprehension, I simply couldn’t apply reason and common sense. My future hung in the balance, my life was at a pivotal stage, and I had no way of knowing which choice to make.

  “I don’t know what to do, Viyesha,” I admitted. “Half of me wants to have an ordinary life and enjoy all the things other people of my age are doing.” My voice dropped to a whisper. “But the other half wants to be with Theo and stay young forever, to bathe in the crystal’s light. I couldn’t face a future without him.”

  “It is a blessing and a curse, Emily,” said Viyesha, “to live through history and experience it first hand as time rolls through the centuries…. to enjoy youth and beauty others can only dream about… to live a life of magic and mystery, with untold wealth and power…to live as an immortal and hold eternity in the palm of your hand.”

  Her eyes shone as she spoke and I knew she was seeing things in her mind that I couldn’t even contemplate: events, people and places that had shaped history; experiences, opportunities and possibilities that were limitless, ageless and timeless.

  “But the bad almost outweighs the good,” she said, in a whisper. Now her eyes clouded over and she was seeing a different picture. “Imagine, Emily, having your very existence dictated by an event that occurs every three years; having to bathe in the light of a crystal to restore your failing youth or endure an unimaginable death: the agony of rapid ageing as your organs cease to function, your bones grow brittle and your skin dries out… to cease being, all in a matter of minutes…”

  She stopped and took a deep breath.

  “Forgive me Emily, I don’t wish to frighten you, but your eyes need to be opened if you are to make the right decision. Now, ask me anything and I will try to answer.”

  “Okay,” I said, the issues before me so huge and incomprehensible as to render my mind blank. “What do you eat? I’ve never seen Theo or Violet eat.”

  Viyesha threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, Emily. So many metaphysical and esoteric issues, and you pick the mundane.” She smiled at me. “I’m sorry, I truly forget how young you are and how many moons I have seen pass. It is a relevant question. The answer is that we eat sparingly and discerningly. We are highly evolved Light Beings, which means our bodily systems are extremely sensitive and can digest only that which comes directly from light: vegetarian food as you call it, plants, vegetables, seeds and nuts, which we produce ourselves. The Lunari are so refined, they metabolise the sun’s rays into energy and live on light alone.”

  “Light Beings,” I repeated, trying to understand what she was saying. “I see. And your symbol is the circle crossed by an infinity sign. I saw it on the Clock Tower and on Theo’s arm. ”

  I dared not admit I’d seen it on the backs of the cloaks at the Blue Moon Ball or on the shoulder of a guest.

  “Yes, that is The Lunari’s symbol,” said Viyesha. “The circle represents the full moon, and the infinity sign, eternity. We greet each other thus.” She cupped her hands in a circle in front of her, crossing her thumbs, replicating the symbol.

  “Is there anything else you wish to know?”

  “Theo told me how you discovered the crystal’s power and kept it in Egypt, but why bring it to Hartswell-on-the-Hill?”

  “This site has long been known to us as an energy centre of great power, a natural meridian where ley lines cross,” answered Viyesha. “It was for this reason that one of The Lunari built Hartswell Hall back in Victorian times. He had intended to live here with his wife, but she took her life before it was completed and he closed up the house, preferring to travel the world alone. He returned in recent times to live as a recluse, but ultimately chose to end his life. Without his wife, he saw eternal youth as a curse. We keep the crystal in the Clock Tower, where the energy is strongest.”

  She paused for a moment before continuing.

  “We stayed in Egypt for many years, but we have enemies and it was getting too dangerous. It was agreed we would come first to prepare the hall, and that Joseph would follow, bringing the crystal. We believed he journeyed in secrecy, but it would appear that old enemies of ours, The Reptilia or Dark Ones, desperate for the life form that the crystal would grant them, have discovered our location. Believe me, Emily, it is they rather than you, who presents the real threat. So far, we have protected the location of the crystal with our mist shroud, which the Dark Ones find impossible to penetrate, and Aquila and Pantera were able to destroy all those who congregated beyond the mist. But more will come, of that we are sure.”

  ”I see,” I said again, not seeing at all, but aware of other questions I needed to ask.

  “What about your family, Viyesha? Is Leon as old as you? And are Violet and Theo your natural children?” That was a key question. I had to know whether I would be able to have my own children if I chose to join them.

  “Leon and I have been together since the early days,” she answered. “I was a High Priestess and he was a Priest during the reigns of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. After the murder of Tutankhamun, I renounced my religious vocation and went into hiding. Leon joined me later. Violet and Theo are our natural children. Light from light. Although they were not ready to bathe in the crystal’s rays until their teenage years.”

  “And what about the others around the world who bathe in its light? The rich and famous people who’ve paid for the privilege? Where do they fit in?”

  “Not all have paid, Emily. Some are family, some friends of many years’ duration. In recent years, The Lunari have allowed elite individuals to pay for the crystal’s services… those with a need for eternal youth, and the funds to buy it.”

  “The mega-rich, you mean,” I said, disparagingly. Viyesha shrugged.

  “It is The Lunari’s decision. They will only allow those whom they trust to join us. Any who compromise our safety are eliminated immediately.”

  Her words were cold and an involuntary shudder ran down my spine.

  “You must understand, Emily, The Lunari have one loyalty only, and that is to the crystal. Our survival is dependent upon it.” She paused. “Something else you should understand. Only the young can bathe in the crystal’s rays. Anyone older than mid thirties would not survive the process, their body chemistry is simply too compromised. I know yo
u wanted us to save your grandfather, Theo pleaded with us, but believe me, it wasn’t possible.”

  “I understand that now,” I said sadly. “But what about me, Viyesha? I’m not wealthy. I can’t pay. Why should The Lunari accept me?”

  “I will intercede on your behalf, you can rest assured. My word carries much weight and these are exceptional circumstances.”

  In other words, my chances were good, but there were no guarantees. Neither was there any guarantee I would survive the initiation process.

  “Do you have any more questions?” she asked gently.

  I paused. “What happened to the estate agent who arranged the sale? Did she touch the crystal?”

  Viyesha looked troubled. “No, she didn’t. The whole incident was unintentional and most regrettable. When we walked in that first time, the house came alive and our energy levels were activated. As she shook Leon’s hand, she absorbed some of the energy. It rejuvenated her for a few weeks, then proved too much for her.”

  “But I had that same energy transference when I shook Theo’s hand,” I pointed out, “and I didn’t shrivel up and die.”

  “I cannot explain what you experienced,” she admitted. “It is most unusual. Certainly Theo’s energy would not have been as powerful as Leon’s on the day we arrived here. But if you are truly Theo’s lost love, your energies will be in tune and there will always be a powerful connection between you.”

  “How did Theo lose me, Viyesha? I have to know.”

  She looked into the distance, deep in thought and I knew she was remembering. At last she spoke, “I cannot speak of it, Emily. You must not ask me. Theo will tell you when the time is right. And there is only one way to find out if you truly are his lost love…”

  “…bathe in the crystal’s light,” I finished for her. “And if I survive, what are these supernatural powers you mentioned?”

  “Heightened sensitivity, a greater appreciation of sight, sound, smell and touch, possibly special powers. No one knows until they have been through the process. Theo has the gift of speed, as you may have seen. I have the gift of serenity, Leon strength, and Joseph abundance. Violet has the gift of musicality and seeing auras.”

  “I’d choose invisibility. Or flying.”

  She smiled. “This isn’t Harry Potter, Emily. Who knows what your power may be? Now, time is getting on and you have much to think about.”

  “One last question, Viyesha,” I said, plucking up courage. “Can I see the crystal?”

  She gave a sharp intake of breath. “The crystal is very powerful, Emily, and the Clock Tower room has been attuned. It might not be safe for you. Should you decide to join us, we would have to dissipate the power of the crystal and the energy field.”

  “So I wouldn’t have to wait for a Blue Moon?” I asked.

  “Absolutely not,” Viyesha assured me. “The crystal’s power would be far too strong for a new initiate. A full moon is all you require.”

  She sat in silence for a moment, considering her options, then made a decision.

  “Come, I will take you to the Clock Tower and let you see the crystal. But I cannot allow you to enter the room. It is too risky.”

  She led the way out of the library and I followed, knowing I was closing forever the option of living a normal life.

  30. The Blue Crystal

  Silently we climbed up the old servants’ stairway and onto the upper landing, and once again, I felt my feet sinking into the deep blue carpet.

  Part of me was burning with excitement, the other more than a little afraid. Was I safe? Was this an elaborate ploy on Viyesha’s part to lure me to my death? Would Aquila and Pantera be waiting for me in the upper room to finish me off quickly and silently? Would the crystal be the cause of my demise?

  It was too late to go back, I was committed to this course of action, whatever the consequences. And I had to know what the crystal looked like and what the process involved.

  I looked along the corridor, remembering my previous visit, wondering if Viyesha had any idea I’d been present at the Blue Moon Ball. If she did, she said nothing, and continued walking ahead. Then we were at the foot of the stone spiral stairway leading up into the Clock Tower. Viyesha turned.

  “Are you sure, Emily? With knowledge comes power, but also danger. You are stepping over a threshold from which there is no return.”

  “What do you mean?” I faltered.

  “Once you have seen the crystal and know of its power, you will become a real and tangible threat to The Lunari. At this moment in time, if you choose to walk away, there is still a chance I can save you. But once you have looked upon the crystal, you will have no choice. You must join us or The Lunari will destroy you. I will not be able to save you.”

  I swallowed. “I understand, Viyesha, but I have to see it. I have to know.”

  “Very well,” she said, and turned to climb the stone stairs. Then she stopped, turned to me and said, “Emily, I have to ask. Have you told anybody what is going on here. Your school friends, your mother?”

  “No,” I said instinctively, “of course not.” I laughed nervously. “I don’t think they’d believe me anyway, the whole thing is so…….” I was going to say preposterous, but realised how insulting that would sound. “So unbelievable,” I said.

  I thought back to what I’d told Seth and Tash. Although I’d told them what was going on, I’d recanted and made a joke of it. The question was whether they believed me. They had their suspicions, I knew, but would they come looking for answers, just as I had, or would I be able to convince them that all was well and I’d just been paranoid?

  “Please, Viyesha, you have nothing to fear.”

  “I hope so, because The Lunari would not think twice about eliminating extraneous threats. It would look like an accident, of course. They never leave a trail.”

  For a second, I wavered. If I thought for a moment I was placing my friends or family in danger, I could not go on. But what did they know? Nothing tangible. Just a silly hocus-pocus story.

  “Lead on, Viyesha, I need to see the crystal.” I spoke clearly and confidently, my words providing a cover for my beating heart and dry mouth.

  We carried on climbing the spiral stairway, higher and higher, up into the Clock Tower, until an ornately carved, heavy oak door, with a huge iron keyhole, blocked our way. Viyesha removed a loose brick to one side of the doorway and took out a large iron key. She placed it in the lock, slowly turned it and pushed the door open.

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was disappointed. It was an empty, hexagonal room, with long thin windows on every alternate wall. The walls were made from the same honey-coloured Cotswold stone as the rest of Hartswell Hall and a vaulted ceiling rose above us, creating light and space. Sunshine flooded in, giving the room a warm, bright, welcoming feel and the only thing of any interest that I could see was a series of strange blue and green markings etched into the smooth, worn floorboards in the centre of the room.

  “Oh,” I said, taken aback. “Is this it?”

  “This is it,” said Viyesha, laughing at my confusion. “What were you expecting, Emily?”

  “Well, the flames of eternal youth, a big blue fire, I suppose.”

  “It looks very different at the time of the Blue Moon, I assure you, but for now, there isn’t a great deal to see.”

  “But the crystal, where is it?” I asked.

  “All in good time,” said Viyesha. “Wait here.”

  She walked to one side of the hexagonal room, and loosened another brick in the wall, which she placed on the floor. Behind it was a lever, which she turned. As she did so, a portion of the wall slid to one side, revealing a small stone alcove in which stood a silver casket, less than a foot long and decorated with ancient symbols.

  She carefully took it out, warning me as she did so, “Remember not to step over the threshold, Emily. The power in this room is still great and I cannot vouch for its effects. Stay where you are and observe. If the light becomes
too bright for your eyes, look away and I will place the crystal back in the casket.”

  My heart was in my mouth as I watched Viyesha place the casket on the floor to one side of the hieroglyphics and open the lid. Immediately, the most brilliant blue light filled the room. I leaned forward to see better and there, nestling inside the casket was a large blue crystal, its many facets glinting and shining so brightly, I could hardly look at it.

  “Avert your gaze if the light is too strong,” advised Viyesha. “People have been blinded by looking at the crystal too long.”

  I did as she bid, looking to one side of the casket, but still mesmerised by the blue dancing light that shone around the room.

  “It’s beautiful,” I gasped. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” I felt the crystal around my neck glowing, giving off warmth, as if in tune with the larger crystal.

  I watched Viyesha through half lidded eyes, as she picked the crystal up. Brilliant blue light engulfed her hands and her arms, running in rivulets of energy up to her shoulders. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, absorbing the crystal’s energy into her being.

  “Its power is waning,” said Viyesha. “A residual energy remains, but not enough to reenergise and rejuvenate us, although enough to do you serious harm, Emily. You wouldn’t last two minutes.”

  Gently, she placed the crystal back into the casket and closed the lid.

  “That’s enough, Emily, I cannot risk you seeing more.”

  At once the room seemed dark and flat and I felt the most intense disappointment, as if my body were being denied an essential nutrient, making me feel negative and irritable.

  “Once you’ve experienced the power, you want more,” explained Viyesha, “but more would kill you. It’s like the most powerful drug, overcoming rational thought and possessing you with desire. What you are experiencing now are withdrawal symptoms, which will fade as your etheric body stabilises. Perhaps now you understand a little of the crystal’s power. In the wrong hands, it would be destructive force, which is why we guard it with our lives.”